Saturday, August 9, 2014

Facebook, we've had enough!

All know that Facebook had a nasty habit of "modifying" many features on their Facebook mobile app repeatedly. Usually first making it OPTIONAL, then forcing it down our throats by yours truly. So what would make this time any different?

It doesn't. I won't bore you with long lists, but there a few things that ABSOLUTELY needed to know.

Facebook pretty much now owns you. According to their list of permissions you MUST agree to before downloading the app, they can now use your phone to send all kinds of correspondence to any contacts you might have on your phone.

To make matters worse, they can do all this regardless of what your phone provider may charge you.

Anyone else feel like this is just another George Orwell moment?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Blues

Of course I understand that not every day is going to be all butterflies and rainbows, but man! Today just really sucks!

As I was driving in to work, minding my own business, I noticed my car was starting to act really funny. First it starts making this clinking noise, so I figure "hmm..maybe it's just my air condition". But still keeps onnn going.  After a quick panic session with my fiance, I pulled over and called AAA. 

Now I don't know if it was because I got to drive in the truck with the windows down to my mechanic and took a great nap (and I'm pretty sure the driver stared a little), or just because. But I still feel that things could always be worse. Right??