Saturday, August 9, 2014

Facebook, we've had enough!

All know that Facebook had a nasty habit of "modifying" many features on their Facebook mobile app repeatedly. Usually first making it OPTIONAL, then forcing it down our throats by yours truly. So what would make this time any different?

It doesn't. I won't bore you with long lists, but there a few things that ABSOLUTELY needed to know.

Facebook pretty much now owns you. According to their list of permissions you MUST agree to before downloading the app, they can now use your phone to send all kinds of correspondence to any contacts you might have on your phone.

To make matters worse, they can do all this regardless of what your phone provider may charge you.

Anyone else feel like this is just another George Orwell moment?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Blues

Of course I understand that not every day is going to be all butterflies and rainbows, but man! Today just really sucks!

As I was driving in to work, minding my own business, I noticed my car was starting to act really funny. First it starts making this clinking noise, so I figure "hmm..maybe it's just my air condition". But still keeps onnn going.  After a quick panic session with my fiance, I pulled over and called AAA. 

Now I don't know if it was because I got to drive in the truck with the windows down to my mechanic and took a great nap (and I'm pretty sure the driver stared a little), or just because. But I still feel that things could always be worse. Right??

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Giving Your All

OK, so today brought me a whole new world of emotions. I went from being exhausted, to crying, to feeling motivated and so on. Why can't everyday just simply be one emotion? Because I get exhausted just from how sensitive I can become to everything around me. Well, moving on..

Since I promised to share something that I experience everyday, I thought that I would share my "crying" moment for the day. As I browsed through my usual feeds on Facebook, I came across one that happened to catch my eye instantly. Of all the things, it was a commercial for Life Insurance that included a 20 something going on about his everyday tasks. Instead of just passing up every opportunity to be selfless, he gave everything he had. Poor people begging for money, he gave every penny he had; dog begging for food; he gave him his lunch. I hope you get the picture here.

Although I can gladly say that I have had my share of "selfless" moments, I cannot say that I have had too many. Let this be a lesson for you. Give everything you have to the world, even when it seems like it is giving you nothing in return. Because one day, just one you least expect it, you'll notice that you already have the world in your heart and you don't need anything else but love.

Go out there and show em'!

Just so you so you can see what I saw...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Have to Start Somewhere, Right?

Over and over again people told me that I needed to get on a blog, so here I am. Now I feel bad for those who get to read what I have to say, since it never makes any sense anyway. 

My goal for this blog is for everyone to take glimpse in what it's like to see the world through my eye; all "Jule Tones" of course. 

Everyday, I will share one thing that I have either experience or witnessed. Either way, you should be able to see how nutty I am. Enjoy!